
  • Monthly budget checklist

Budgeting How To


If you read my article focusing on financial success in your twenties, you will already know how important I believe a proper budget to be. It

  • Close up of hands punching in numbers on a calculator

What to Look for in an Accountant


There are a lot of accountants out there. Many of them have different credentials and backgrounds in education and experience. Navigating the sea of choices can

  • Closeup of a laptop with financial numbers on the screen

When to Leave a 401(k) Plan


There are two scenarios when you may want to take control of your assets in your 401(k) plan.    You leave your employer (either to retire or

  • To itemize, or not to itemize?

To Itemize, or Not To Itemize?


The decision to itemize deductions has plagued taxpayers for almost 65 years. Each year, clients and tax professionals crunch numbers to determine whether the standard deduction or

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